Goose Jockeys & Station Contributors
Our community of contributors is part of what makes WTED Goose Radio a great source of detailed history, background, and trivia surrounding some of the best Goose performances in their catalog. Our Goose Jockeys and GORPs (Goose Obsessed Radio Personalities) are featured so you can learn more about their background and history with the band below. Want to join their ranks? Join the Community!
Michael "Mjbasty1" Basty
Michael is an active Goose Jockey and the WTED Program Director, contributing to show analysis on WTED Radio as well as moderating the WysteriaLane Community site. He resides in Oregon but still has Michigan close to his heart. When not working on the WTED Radio station, he enjoys live music (shocker), water sports, cycling, and golf.
Saw Goose live in Feb 2020 as my first time hearing the band. Very impressed. Followed a little bit during the pandemic. Mission Spotify release got me listening again at the end of 2021. Saw my second show in Feb 2022 and can pinpoint the exact moment during set one that I “got it”. The hook was fully set. Immediately started consuming every soundboard upon release as well as most of the back catalog. Beyond the music, the community surrounding Goose and the friendships I’ve made because of them are unrivaled in my life so far. |
Tug "OldManRising" Martin
Tug is a WysteriaLane Community site moderator, Goose Jockey, contributor of Goose lore, and dispenser of sage old man wisdom. He and his family live in Virginia after having spent a long stint in the Denver, Colorado area. When not conversing on the WTED community chat, he enjoys music, baseball, mountain sports, boating, guitar, beach-time, and discovering more happiness through less.
Tug says: Found my way to Goose via Nugs net back in early 2019. Happened upon them on a lark when I was getting bored with all of the other stuff. Kicking myself for not realizing they played close by a few times and not going to see them. Can’t really pinpoint a moment or song that hooked me. But I was definitely hooked. Went back to the beginning of their stuff on Nugs and have listened to every soundboard released at least once. I am unabashedly in this bands pocket and will follow them wherever they take us. No other band that I’ve listened to over the years gives me so much joy. If we are all individual tuning forks, Goose has hit my frequency with greater force than any other thing out there. |
Brett "Grateful Goose Gizzard Biscuits" Dunkin
Brett is a WysteriaLane Community moderator and Goose Jockey for WTED Goose Radio. He's a huge live music fan, having been to more than 350 concerts, festivals, and other shows, starting when he was eight years old and his dad took him to see REM at the Hollywood Bowl. He lives in Los Angeles and enjoys that California Magic.
Brett says: My first introduction to the Jamband world was the Fare Thee Well shows in San Francisco in 2015, though I didn't really become a true “fan” of the Grateful Dead until my sophomore year of college, when I listened to Europe 72 on a long drive back to school after a weekend hometown visit. My first introduction to Goose was watching the 2019 Peach Fest set. After hearing the cover of Mississippi Half-Step and that ripping Madhuvan, I knew these guys were something special. My first Goose show was at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles in August of 2022 with my dad, and I've seen them nine more times (and counting) since then! |
Kyle "WysteriaLane" FrenchKyle lives in Bedford, TX (a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth) with his wife since 2009 and his daughter, their only child, born in 2015. He once wrote, in as brief a way possible, about their lives and relationship with the band for the El Goose Times, featured in the STTF/EGT collaboration issue. Kyle also hosts his primary Goose blog space at www.wysterialane.org.
He has been the face behind the WysteriaLane account on many of the internet platforms we all frequent; where he admits to inevitably searching for that feeling of community that never seemed to grasp his true spirit so much as it has at the WysteriaLane community. Thus, he says, is why he created it; not only for selfish reasons, but for the community at large (so all of this is really his fault). If you can’t find him there, you’ll find him doing one of a variety of things with his family: assisting at his daughter’s soccer practice, on a date with his wife, on a random weekend family fun outing with their 21' featherlite trailer in tow, at a Dallas Stars hockey game, or in their family sized 14’ tandem kayak in various small bodies of water surrounding the greater DFW area. Kyle says: At the very heart of my being is finding what keeps things balanced. Balance is key. This community, surrounding this music, with this certain ethos that I believe in; it helps me find balance. I will never stop pursuing that balance for all the wonderful people that join me on this journey, known and unknown. Thank you all for the support over the years. |
Corey "BeefofAges" TerrellCorey is a WysteriaLane Community administrator, station manager for WTED Goose Radio, and profoundly silly person. He handles all of the gory behind-the-scenes technical details that make WysteriaLane, the Community, and WTED Radio run smoothly. And when they don't run smoothly, it's probably because he did something real dumb, for which he proactively apologizes.
Corey lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife (who is an immeasurably better person than he is) and two jerks (cats); he enjoys travel (especially for live music), proselytizing the good news of Central Texas style barbecue, and the bar he was legally required to build in his basement. Corey says: Is this thing on? Who did this? Why is that sticky? Where's my hammer? |